Browns Canyon Reining Horses

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Catch Up!

OK, I'm behind. It has been busy bee time around here and my mind is on our up coming move towards end of Jan so I've not be online alot.

Well anyhow enough with the xcuses and back to blogging I hope. I spent last week trying to get my Christmas mailings out and that seems to take me a time as I'm not good at it and put it off. Tom has his new pivot standing. I have been thinking about girls new bedrooms there is so much things to do. The girls are so excited and Tucker is to since we've had a few evenings over there and the girls tell him he is going to have his own room there, he now says it when we drive by and gets so excited.. Well above pictures I took in Nov when weather was still nice, these are the remaining foals left from this years crop and they are looking so nice.. They are so much fun to play with since this years are such puppies and love to come to you and get scratched.


Elly'sMom said...

Don't ya love it when the babies are like that? Makes it all worth while! So I'm dying to see what your new place looks like. Why are you moving btw? Are you still going to be doing the hay thing too or are you moving on to bigger and better adventures?

Desiree Thomas said...

We are just moving into differnt house on our farm(bigger one). My hubby will still be doing hay and nothing else will be changing. It will be a big move tough all the painting and packing is going to be a big job.