Browns Canyon Reining Horses

Sunday, October 7, 2007

A picture is worth a thousand words

Well this post may make sense to only a few but I'm posting it anyhow.. Some days a picture is presented to you by people you consider friends and well it can really make your day.. This picture can be many things, sometimes of something you've not been able to see and worry about alot.. I can tell you a picture is not only worth a thousand words but great sense of relief as well.. This may be a funny post and not clear to anyone but many thanks to all my friends that provide a person with many pictures in life.. Life can really have some bizarre twists and turns but it is worth the ride with great friends..
Sometimes a picture can also have a funny effect on a group of friends as well take this picture everyone has people they well, could send down this slide in there minds - say the groups candidate for the slider of the day LOL
I know little off my usual post but it just fits this weekends happenings with friends.

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