Browns Canyon Reining Horses

Friday, August 22, 2008

House & Injured Foal Updates

Well next pictures after these will be of completely painted house YEA!! These are of the house painted without the foundation painted yet, it is done now today and I will be getting pictures soon.. In next post I will put from start to finish pictures as its such a huge change it will be neat to see them all in a row..

Today after his cleaning and meds I wanted to get a picture since he lost alot of the dead skin.. I went to get my camera and it was dead of course so these are cell phone pictures.. I took them after the red med went on so its really red but that's not blood its dark red coloring of the spray that keeps fly's off... Anyhow he is feeling so good he is a terrible handful he has had enough of all this and tries his darnedest to kick at any chance so its been fun.. The other side of neck looks equally as bad but its is looking really nice when I get done hosing it out everytime.. I've had some pretty nasty horse wounds over time this rates right up there but looks likes its healing faster than many I've dealt with and not sure if being up on neck is the reason for the faster looking healing but its so hopeful to see it look so good at cleaning time and with his attitude he acts very healthy and he is staying firm and eating well.. Mom is not reacting poorly in fact we take her out and my friend Diana is learning horse handling by helping and she has been holding mare outside of pen for me.. Mom never even reacts at all, just eats grass like its going out of style LOL... Anyhow update hope to get better pictures in few days.. It looks much bigger now that all the dead skin fell off...


Anonymous said...

Baw ah, kasagad sa imo maghimo blog. Nalingaw gd ko basa.

Anonymous said...

Yugs, daw nabasahan ko naman ni sa iban nga blog?